Ugly Transformed


My last post was all about a really awful-looking loaf of bread. See it above? All wrinkly, white, dense and unpresentable? But with all those good ingredients inside, I decided to reuse what I had ruined. Ever heard of bread recycling?!

I I broke pieces of the ruined bread from day old loaves and made a very wet mix of new dough. I chose to use the no-knead method, and hoped that this magical recipe, which I have never ever ruined, despite the many variations I’ve tried, would help redeem my good ingredients…


And voila!

The bread turned out beautifully, and off it went to be shared, with another loaf of no-knead that I mixed a jar of red pepper mix into…


I like that all of this happened. That the ugly happened and that I was willing to do the work and search for a new beauty. It’s a good metaphor for me–because brokenness is around me, around all of us, but with work we can save the good and make something new and redeemed from the bad. It just takes effort, and faith.

And guess what? I’m off to Paris, friends, and will be writing from there! Sending you all love…

2 thoughts on “Ugly Transformed

  1. wait, what?? you can make bread from bread? How is that? the torn up bread gets incorporated into the dough? I thought croutons and french toast were the only solutions for bread disasters. it boggles the mind.. . .

  2. Now THAT is amazing. Never heard of recycling bread into a new loaf. Can you do that with a stale loaf, too? I love the implications of making something beautiful out of something ugly. It gives me HOPE!

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